- Many japanese strive to keep up egalitarian appearances .
- 很多日本人努力保持平等待人的形象。
- Magritte could not keep up this phlegmatic act however .
- 话虽如此,但他似乎无法这种保持冷静的行为。
- As the offshoring landscape changes can the former leader keep up ?
- 随着离岸外包环境的变化,出口巨擘能继续保持领先优势吗?
- He will need to keep up the brave face for several months yet .
- 在接下来的几个月里,他可能需要一直保持这种无畏的面孔。
- I 'm glad the logo has been able to keep up with the times .
- 我很庆幸,logo在这么些年来还一直保持着原来的模样。
- Amid the bustle and crumbling masonry of downtown yangon there is one building that likes to keep up appearances : myanmar 's only synagogue .
- 在仰光市中心一片喧嚣嘈杂的破旧石制建筑之中,有一座似乎能为仰光撑门面的建筑:缅甸仅有的一座犹太教会堂。
- Even well-established companies can scarcely keep up with demand .
- 即便是知名企业,也很难跟上此种需求。
- Each zara store is remodeled every 5 years in order to keep up with current trends .
- 每个zara店面都会每5年重新布置一次来跟上时代步伐。
- Keep up the bad work .
- 继续作那麻烦的工作吧.